
Page 1 of 13. CLICK THESE . PAGES PAGE  2, CLICK, passenger ship fire, RV 's in Hawaii. PAGE  3, CLICK , SEA WAR, AMAZON, record ski picture. PAGE 4 ,CLICK, photo stories. Pg  5, 1,000'S WORLD WEB CAMS. worth millions of words. Pg. 6, Eric Lacitis, Seattle Times, also from a former editor of 3 newspapers who is a history novelist.**** Pg 7 AMAZON JUNGLES, FREE IQ TEST. Pg 8 8, FRENCH FOREIGN LEGION, Pg 9, World war 2 secrets revealed decades later.******** Pg 10, World visitor comments. "You are our gardener, making sure we are not acidic" Pg. 11 SCENIC SEATTLE VIEWS PLUS. Pg. 12, FUN links could keep you busy for a week. Pg 13, Photos added 3-08 Contact About

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